EXPORTROPIC is a company located in Bogota, Colombia, focused on tropical and exotic fruits export, created by a select group of professionals who bring their extensive experience in the agricultural sector as well as in the field of foreign trade and internationalization of farm products. EXPORTROPIC aims to supply exotic and tropical fruits to the most demanding markets of Europe, North America and Asia, marketing products of the highest quality, timely and excellent service.

The company welcomes the principles of the System of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) adopted by the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC), which is science based, allowing us to identify hazards inherent in the business and act implementing the measures for their control to ensure the suitability of our products. Also, EXPORTROPIC fully implemented the HACCP which allows detailed monitoring of the whole process, obtaining full traceability of our fruit, ensuring strict control of our suppliers.

Avocado Hass Tree -Exportropic